Just when I think I have developed some discipline, I couldn't take it anymore and dug into the Halloween candy yesterday. Oh well, the chocolates were good! I may need to go to the store to buy more sweets, for the children of course!!
I have been sewing on my pineapple blocks. I mailed my spools for the block exchange. So, I have done a few things of creative nature this week.
The swine flu is here in our town full force. Many schools in the area have taken off this week because so many are ill. I know it is coming closer and closer to my house-- so much fear is attached to this illness. I am keeping positive and preparing for it.

I hope you don't get the flu - or at least, if you get it, may it be a very mild case.
Can you keep the Canada Geese for the winter - they have been down to OK, but they like it and stay and multiple.
Concerning the halloween candy - I only get the type I like so that is always a problem.... I'm going to a friend's house tomorrow, so I don't have to buy any this year!!
How frightening it must be for you to have the swine flu in your town. My prayers go with you all!
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