Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Vacation

I have been taking this week off for a few years as my daughter and her husband have been visiting. My son is home from school and I like to visit with them all. I have had a great week so far visiting with family.

I did have a wonderful Christmas. I enjoyed the gift exchange and church services. I went snowshoeing for the first time yesterday. I have been cooking, not something I do on a regular basis :).

I made myself a ruffle scarf. It is crocheted and made from bamboo yarn and very soft.
I am going to spend 2011 sewing and quilting my Civil War Diary Quilt. I want to finish my Victory quilt. I have a few tops to experiment new stitches on and fabrics to really think about what I want to do with them.

Off to enjoy my vacation from work.


Brenda said...

Snowshoeing is something I have never done and your scarf does look soft!!! Nice!!!
Sounds like you are having a very nice time - cooking and everything!!!
So, get that Victory Quilt finished and get the Civil War Diary one looking great! but mostly Have Fun!!! Happy New Year!!!

Micki said...

The Victory Quilt sounds like a fun project. Enjoy making it!
Happy New Year!