Fabric requirement: One honey bun and one charm pack . Pictured is "Happy Campers."
Trim to 3 1/2 inches square.
One of the patches is to be a square from the charm pack. Cut to 3 1/2 inches and save the 1 1/2 inch strip! No waste here!
Assembly is in a manner that the rails are vertical, then horizontal then verical in row one.
Just the opposite in each subsequent row.
Once all of strips are used in your block assembly, use the left over strips to assemble little rail patch as above. Trim to 3 1/2 inches.
Once you reach this point, you need to begin to cut up the charm pack squares. First cut a 1 1/2 inch strip off the full length.
Then rotate the block 90 degress as above and cut into three 1 and 1/2 inch strips as above, this yeilds the most strips per charm square. Continue to assemble 9 patch blocks with one 3 1/2 inch square cut from a charm square and in a random manner rotate which square will be the charm square for maximum effect! Total of 24 blocks are to be assembled.
Now assemble into rows. 4 squares by 6 squares. There are only 4 charm squares and a partial strip left from the honey bun to go into the fabric stash.
Any questions, please email me.

Vicki - thank you for the tutorial for Little rails. I have some Christmas charm squares and Christmas fabric strips that are screaming to be used!
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