I saw many things while traveling. Flooding around Nashville was terrible. Prom mini-dresses in Longview complete with cowboy boots and crenoline, thumbs down. I saw many dead armadillos all the way north to Indiana. We called the highway the Dead Armadillo Trail. I learned all about the creatures on my smart phone, how did I live without one? I saw all kinds of truckers, restrooms, hotels and resturaunts. All great.
We stopped at Vicksburg on the way home and toured the town and the military park. It was wonderful. I shopped until I couldn't do it any more on this trip. I bought 3 yards of fabric in Longview at a Hancock Fabrics. I learned Paducah, KY is a long way from my Michigan home and I am not sure driving it myself is possible.
We hit a broken piece of concrete on the flooded highways around Nashville and got a flat tire. No injuries to anyone. My parents, son and I piled into my parents car (they were following ) and drove on . My husband caught up at the hotel. He met some very nice people in Tennesee who helped him get a replacement tire that was under warranty. Our first break down after 24 years of travelling together.
Lots of great ideas for future trips. It was a great time to see family and the University that my daughter called home for the past 4 years. I saw it last when I dropped her off as a freshman.
Now back home, to do laundry today and run errands. Tomorrow back to the old routine. I hate the first day back, it is so, well, work. :)

Congrats to your daughter. You must be very proud. That was some flat tire. I'm glad that everthing worked out and nobody was injured. I'd drive with you to Paducah because I don't know where it is but I've always wanted to go to the quilt show/market or whatever it's called.
I want to get to Paducah just once. I think it will be a couple of years due to cost to get there. Someday!!
I read some of your daughter's posts. She is so happy and obviously loves Australia. She is a treasure!
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