I have been thinking about funny little things that I noticed have changed with the onset of the internet. TV programming. It really stinks now. Everything is going to DVR recordings and on demand. Not always bad but I need to change how I watch TV. The family doesn't usually sit together and watch a show.
Reading. I haven't read a book in a year or more. I spend all day reading the computer screen and my eyes are tired. In fact, I am tired.
There was a time when crafts were my only form of entertainment as a kid. We didn't have TV or the internet. The library was a place that was safe to ride our bikes to and check out the books. Summer reading programs had prizes for reaching goals. Do they still do that? We would hang out and actually read. And cool off because it was air conditioned. I actually went to the library this week and checked out Jinny Beyer's new quilt encyclopedia. Very nice.
Yep, I think I will try to read something interesting. Like my library book.

My sister and I were telling her kids how we played dolls in the basement (not a finished family room--I mean concrete floor, foundation block wall basement, the laundry area wasn't closed in either so the washer/dryer was over on the one side) and how we'd play down there for hours-days if the weather was bad and we couldn't go outside. They looked at us in amazement. I think kids feel bad for us who only watched cartoons on Saturday morning -cuz that's the only time they were on! And only if you were lucky enough to get the local tv reception with the rabbit ears. 3-4 whole channels to choose from! How did we survive? :)
-very well I think!!
Have fun with those bindings...
LOL, I have several quilts that are missing only binding. And I use them, and wash them and they are perfectly happy! But like you, I will get some binding on them eventually....
i read a lot and love it. Hope you enjoy your book!
The library is still one of my favorite places to go. I surf the net (too much) but still love the feel of a book in my hand.
I worked on a bit of binding today and since it was a small project, it was enjoyable. Good luck with your binding mountain.
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