Then I want to finish my white felted tote bag. Finish my striped tote bag. I found a box of knitted hand towels that I need to weave the ends in. I found a cosmetic bag I knitted that needs a zipper (just purchased one for it), those finishes I hope to have done this week.

Then I found a few items on that I want to make. I really am taken with Amigurumi toys that are usually crocheted. I have a teddy bear pattern printed. This one is from a free pattern from amigurumi along.
I signed up for a pincushion exchange on hand did and I want to do this one:
I found some cute gnomes on the net to make from wool felt on Wow, I have lots of things planned. Now I need to organize my ideas on the blog to get things accomplished.
We have some quiet time through the New Year and then the usual working week starts next week. I am still reviewing my resolutions. I have the above craft goals but I need to make more efforts to lose weight, exercise, get organized, have fun and live every day to it's fullest. Hmm, sounds really hard. I am starting with small steps... like exercise 4 times a week. I have been going twice.
Lots of resolutions, I am also joining the stashbusting pledge see the side for details. I don't need to buy much to do my plans. I don't need lots of extra time. I think of the old story of the tortise and the hare. If I work on things in a slow and steady fashion, the race will be finished. I am not really sure I need or want to win!!

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