It was a production, food out of the old, squeezing in the new-after doors were removed etc. To top it all off, we have the same delivery man. He was not nice the last 2 times he came. He would not install the appliance and was rude. We complained and said if he showed up with a bad attitude no sale!! He was very nice and helpful this time. Whew, I was nervous.
I love it. No more leaking fridge. Off to grocery shop.
Sunday stash report
Dad found a fabric stash at a yard sale and Mom and I divided it. Wow tons of preprinted panels, lots of Christmas and some patriotic fabrics. I have added yards to my stash. It was the find of the decade really!!
Sewing was nothing out either. I only purchased thread. Now I can bust the stash.

Oh woot for the new frig!!!!!! AND for a daddy who knows to snatch up fabric when he sees it! :o) Enjoy them alllllllllll!
What a beautiful new fridge!! I bet you stand in your kitchen and just admire it, huh!!! LOL!!! And congrats on the find of the century...what will you do with all of that fabric!!
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