The garden had a rough year. The tomatoes all split before being ripe. The cabbage didn't get heads in them and the squash didn't produce. Summer was hot and they had plenty of water, not sure why the poor harvest.
BUT we have potatoes!! What a surprise, the white carrots did well and one zucchini made it.
Nothing is more simple than growing your own food. Or complicated or full of luck. Next year, we may have more kitchen herbs and annuals. But that 1 1/2 pound potato may entice use to try more veggies!!

I would so love to have a garden. One day! I think there is nothing better than fresh picked veggies cooking for dinner.
Our one zuke plant filled our freezer with bread and muffins for the year. :) Nothing like a prolific plant. Tomatoes were skimpy but the ripe ones were wonderful and green beans a plenty! But we had such a cold/wet spring and early summer that no one around here had a great garden. One thing about it, there's always next year to try again. :)
I think I'll put red potatoes on my list! Those are fabulous.
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