Civil War Diary quilt on point setting |
I had a nice quiet weekend. I was able to put together the blocks for my Civil War Diary quilt in to rows. They are on point, like the Farmer's Wife quilt. I really like it and think it will look great. I need to decide on the setting triangles color. I may go a light blue. Only 5 more rows to go!
I have put the Farmer Wife on hold. I am so frustrated with it. I am going to buy the paper piecing companion CD when I decide I am ready to try again. Believe me, I have another project, or two, to finish.
Does any else have neighbor frustrations? I am frustrated with barking/wandering dogs all hours of the day and night, and animal control wont address. I have other neighbors that have a lifestyle and home business that I don't like. They have tons of parties as they are promoting their pole dancing business. Yes, everyone in town knows about it, has seen the "dancing" through the windows and -can you believe it-business cards. I think they are toning down the parties as it is a bit quieter but summer is coming on. I am thinking about what I want to do about this. I think I am going to just keep to myself and it will resolve itself. Maybe I should just be kind. I just can't believe that is legal...ha, I am such an old poop, but think this type of "business" is degrading to women and just, not cool. They rent.
Ending on a positive note, DS, was offered a job at a new fast food restaurant coming to town. I am so happy, jobs for teens are hard to come by in this small rural town because unemployment is so high.
And our taxes are done, finally. We didn't have to pay, that makes me smile!!

Love your civil war quilt, what a treasure. Man, not sure what I would do if I had neighbors like yours. At least they are renters, they don't stick around for too long. Hopefully they will be moving on soon.
Great Quilt!
I love the quilt. It reminds me of chocolate!!
Your quilt top is looking great. I love the brown that you chose.
My sympathies on the neighbor situation. We have crazy ones that come in our yard and chop down plants they don't like (like mowing all the daffodils down two years ago, sigh) And the reptiles they raise - including in huge cages in the backyard. Their house is for sale and we'd be hopeful if that hadn't been the case for a year. I'm crabby enough that I'd ask at the city about the home business rules and if there's a problem let the landlord know. What a pain though!
The top does look like chocolate! It looks like a lot of work!
Your quilt is looking great - good luck with the bad neighbors!
Beautiful quilt!
Well, the pole dancing thing.... I am of the mind that it is fun way to exercise, get fit and get stronger. Believe me, I couldn't hang off a pole (or anything!!) for that matter with just my legs holding me up!! Run right, this is a great way for women to have fun working muscles they did not work before!!
BUT - it really depends on how this 'business' is being run. If you have skanky women and men coming next door - yes, I would phone the town and talk....
I love the quilt!! And living in a small town too, it's great your son got a job!!!
Have a great week and enjoy the days and nights and get some sewing done!!!
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