The trees quilt top for the Wedding is finished, in white. I think the borders give it some snap. The wedding colors are green/purple.
Here is the original quilt in black. I am a big fan of the black but then I made the white background one.....
Now to focus on binding. I have three quilts to whip stitch. I better get them done before it gets warm around here!
I counted my unfinished quilt tops. I have 10 to quilt. 4 have backing and one has batting. I gotta get going!

Love those trees! They just sparkle!!!
Love them both! The green and purple borders are wonderful.
Both versions are very pretty. What a great gift. Those darn UFO's sure can sneak up on you,
Very pretty quilts.
You sound like me. I have quite a few waiting to be quilted....I would much rather piece.....
The trees are great - I really like them on white also. I wish I only had 10 quilts to quilt - I have many more.
You are making progress! I like the wedding trees but really yours against the black sparkle so much more!
Beautiful trees. And I know what you mean about having quilting UFOs. I never did but it is harder for me to think up what to quilt on a top than to come up with piecing ideas. So the UFO list grows....until I need a gift to give. ;-)
Great quilt! Both versions are so beautiful!
Do you like those clips? i was thinking of trying them out.
Great progress...even if there are a few quilts in the "to be quilted," pile.
Beautiful Wedding quilt! The white is pretty. I really like quilt with the black background too.
Amazing how only the background makes such a difference. Like them both.
Vicki your trees are gorgeous! I really like them on the white background, too. I notice you're using the wonder clips for your binding. Don't you just love them? I've got a set of 25...I won them at a guild raffle...I definitely want to get some more!! :)
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