I am grateful for the yard I have, the flowers that will bloom, the running water and other creature comforts I take for granted, the fabric I have in my stash, nd the food I have to eat. Just to name a few things.
I am blessed with so much. I have many rich relationships. Resources that are, really, more than enough for a very comfortable life compared to so many in this world.
Simply stated, in my quest for excellence, I lose sight of the simple, small stuff. I lose sight of having a "attitude of gratitude. "
In my quest for a well manicured yard and landscape, I forget to be thankful that I have a yard to maintain, a lawn to mow, dandelions to eradicate and weeds to pull. My flower bed never reaches perfection of the BHG picture I have in my head. I am learning to be OK with that. Same with the closets and filing....
In my quest for perfection, I sometimes lose sight of all aspects of creating a quilt. The joy that I can make one. I have the resources at my fingertips and the physical ability to do some of the more strenuous part of quilting both physically and mentally. I have a family that tolerates my obsession with cutting up fabric only to sew it back together again.
The Civil War Diary quilt is together. It took me a couple of years. It isn't perfect but it is a good thing to have done.
I am truly thankful for everything, even when I find myself whining a bit along the way.
Any ideas on the dandelions, by the way? I think I am surrendering....

I think the older I get (65)the easier it is to be grateful. Just enjoying the small things.
We've had such a bad drought the last couple of years that I actually enjoyed seeing the weeds grow this year....grin.
And now we have baby foxes. Maybe they'll eat some of the moles in our yard. I'm having trouble being grateful for those, but it is fox food.
What a wonderful attitude. Cut them off with the lawn mower..I never have minded them. I grew up in the country in Indiana and no one cared if they had dandelions or not. Only problem we had was they were always covered with honey bees and I stepped on a couple going bear foot. Hubs goes after them with one of those tools that pulls them by the roots. He is always on a mission. Thanks for stopping by and for the congrats!
Aren't the dandelions beautiful this time of year? :) They don't bother me at all, just mow 'em down and call it grass I say. So much of life is about how we look at it, I think I am finally getting that through my head.
I like the blocks of time dedicated to a task. When I get up--I wash the dishes while I wait for the coffee to perk.
And dandelions---they're just flowers gone wild!
I too often think of all the things I HAVE--not the "have nots". Life is good.
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