I am trying to decide what to do with patterns that I have written and developed. Should I start out with writing patterns to sell (most likely self published) or should I go for the big prize and try to submit a book? I am not sure what to do from here. I have a few people interested in a pattern......not sure about a book. I was set on a book but there is a part of me that says I need to start small. You know walk before you run....
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I say go for the book! Shoot for the stars, as Buzz Lightyear would say.
Love the blocks.
Write that book!
The granny square blocks look terrific! Since you mention a book, I think you really want to do that, so plunge ahead :)
Great looking Granny Squares. It is such a fun pattern. Good luck with your book. Why not give it a go, what is the worst that could happen?
Vicki -- With a pattern you will be able to get your feet wet but you might have a problem finding buyers -- marketing and contacting fabric stores takes time and a bit of money. When you write a book it takes lots of time somewhere between 12 to 24 months from what I have been able to figure out from various friends who have published. Look at the various quilt publishers and see what they appear to specialize in. Figure out if the patterns you have with finished products for one or two can be gathered into a theme. Small quilts, using half square triangles, jelly rolls, or what ever. If you see a publisher who might fit your ideas check their web site for their submission policies. It is definitely worth a try. One gal I heard at a talk was trying to sell a book on quilt blocks inspired by Mexican tiles. She was turned down by a couple of publishers but I noticed a book came out a few years later and I think it was the same gal. (I"m bad with names!) So, give it some serious thought. I'd be happy to say I knew her when!
Vicki -- With a pattern you will be able to get your feet wet but you might have a problem finding buyers -- marketing and contacting fabric stores takes time and a bit of money. When you write a book it takes lots of time somewhere between 12 to 24 months from what I have been able to figure out from various friends who have published. Look at the various quilt publishers and see what they appear to specialize in. Figure out if the patterns you have with finished products for one or two can be gathered into a theme. Small quilts, using half square triangles, jelly rolls, or what ever. If you see a publisher who might fit your ideas check their web site for their submission policies. It is definitely worth a try. One gal I heard at a talk was trying to sell a book on quilt blocks inspired by Mexican tiles. She was turned down by a couple of publishers but I noticed a book came out a few years later and I think it was the same gal. (I"m bad with names!) So, give it some serious thought. I'd be happy to say I knew her when!
Oh I do love the granny squares and yours are wonderful. Patterns or go big with the book. Well at work they say "go big or go home". So get going on that book so I can buy one :)
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