So nothing added to the stash. Nothing going out.
Here is a photo of a crocheted square that took me 10 days to do. Sometimes no matter how you read the pattern it doesn't go together. I did the second one in about 40 minutes.
Continuing the adventures of living in a 100 year old house. This kitchen sink line was augured out and my husband's snake broke. And it was only the second time he used it!! So far, all is working.
The house is a typical story and a half house. It has old pine trim and old ladder type doors in it. It was on the edge of town and part of a local farm until the town grew up around it. The original owners donated farm land to the church and a parochial school was built on it. Yes, that is my neighbor on the back of the property, where the out house and Barn used to sit. It is a solid house with large beams still visible in the hand dug cellar style basement. Lots of charm but some interesting ideas in "updates" as the home aged.
One a sad note, it dropped to a very low temp about 25 degrees last night. Even with sheets covering the square foot garden, many of our plants died. Most of the peppers, cukes, basil and maybe some tomatoes didn't make it. So back to the nursery for plants and we will replant after a few days to be sure all of those plants died. Hopefully, the seeds will grow.
On a happy note, it is graduation time and it is tradition to have Open houses for the graduate. They are come and go type parties. I have been to 2 this weekend and had a lovely time visiting with friends and family I haven't seen in a very long time. The graduate gets lovely gifts and money to send them off into adulthood. Do you have this tradition where you live? I have heard that some don't. The parties and usually outside at the home of the student graduating and I found it to be incredibly fun yet stressful when I hostessed one a couple of years ago.
Don't forget to leave a comment here for the giveaway. Winner will be drawn tomorrow evening.

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