I did go to Joann's of black Friday and bought 5 fat quarters. I used up about 4 yards of fabric this week doing projects. I am mostly likely going to be close to my goal but I think NOT for reducing the stash to 1/2 tote. I have about 3/4 + with some of the purchases in the past couple of months. I need to purge the fabrics that I won't use. I also have preprinted panels in the closet that Dad found at the sale, remember? So I have more net fabrics than when I started. I have BIG PLANS for next year.

Basting spray is very cool. Saved me time and so far the back and front of the quilt is flat. Yipppeeeee!!!!!! Thanks for the tip everyone. See my Pumpkins gone wild?? And, yes that is black cotton batting, 40% off at theLQS.
I also used several fat quarters to make these cute 8" blocks. I may make a snowball and 9 patch with this. I need to think about how I want to finish. I just needed something easy after the pineapples!!
I like the Pumpkins Gone Wild quilt. I agree, spray basting is great!
I love fall colors, your Pumpkins gone wild quilt will look great when done.
You sure have been busy! Great quilt will you be putting it away until next fall when you have it finished? I have never heard of basting spray. I need to check it out.
I LOVE your quilt...Pumpkins Gone Wild! The sashing is perfect.
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