I went to the local quilt show. I was great! Saw quilts by people I know and was truly inspired. I forgot my camera so no photos. I did buy some powder stuff to use for applique instead of Wonder Under or stitch witchery. I will post photos when I use it. I hope it is worth the money I spent on it. It is called 007 Bonding Agent.

I sewed 2 more RTW block exchange blocks yesterday and worked on my table runner. Both goals on the those projects will be met soon. I have a applique Santa project that I will do next.
An aquantaince I met at the quilt show said "We should have a quilt in this show. We can do it." I thought why not? I think I am going to plan a show quilt for next year. My work is as good as many of the quilts there... I CAN DO IT!! Maybe...
Sure you can do it Vikki! Start planning it now!
I accidentally cut into the middle of the backing of a full sized quilt, just as I was snipping the last threads. I cried. Then I remembered that 007 stuff I bought a few months ago.
Got it out, followed the directions, and it worked like a dream. It was well worth the money for me.
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