I did do quite a bit of sewing this week but not alot of fabric was used. I made about 12 spool blocks and I started joining 9 patches of my "Pumpkins" for the disappearing 9 patch.
I Bought a fat quarter bundle of Elenor Burns fabrics for the Victory quilts. I love that so much, I will make a retro sampler this time with the 40's fabrics that coordinate with the project. I made a stash buster sampler in the spring from this book. I love the 6 inch squares.
It was a lovely ride to East Jordan with Mom that is where the Quilt shop is and the long arm quilter she uses. Ds rode along and did homework and played video games. A new game this week kept him busy. The drive was pretty, leaves just starting to change. The shop is cute but up for sale. I hope they find a buyer.
I also purchased foundation fabric with the pineapple pattern stamped on it. I love that pattern. I am taking a class at the end of the month on pineapples and THEN I will have the confidence to try it out.
I am still working up the guts to start my Civil War Diary quilt. I even have the first few blocks printed out!! Paper piecing is still intimidating to me. Watch me try it though, I promise it will be on this blog!!

Good Morning!
I've been trying the DNP and I agree that a smaller sashing looks better (I think I read that in a previous post.) I checked out the pumpkins fabric - that should be a fun quilt.
I am also limited in my experience in paper piecing - so I am taking a class next weekend doing the NY Beauty block. So, we'll both have something to show in the future!
Look forward to seeing the CW Diary blocks. I also have the book but I don't have a collection of repro fabrics.
PP is not my friend!!
BUT - saying that, once you 'get it' you will get it!!! Don't fear it - or - feel the fear and do it anyway.
It is the steps forward that will create your skills in any area, and with PP, if I hadn't had a friend explain it to me, and basically hold my hand as I was learing, the project I was doing at the time, I told her, I would have thrown it in the garbage and not finished it!!! She was not with me as I worked on it, but she had been so good about teaching it to me earlier that day, that she just gave me the drive to do it right - PP was basically all she had done till then, and was a great teacher for me to have.
Saying that, it is still something I am not comfortable with, but I also don't do it enough - yet, I have a huge project that is ALL PPing!!! so I had better get comfortable with it!!
That pineapple blk will be fun to do. Have never done one myself. Enjoy the class!!
Between that and the Civil War Diary quilt, you will have a busy fall!! Have a great time learing - and pictures will be great to see!!!
I am anxiously awaiting progress on your Civil War project! I too have some apprehension about paper piecing . . .
Just start the Civil War quilt...you will love doing it!
It's ok about adding to the stash report. Sometimes it just happens! Have you ever used the stamped foundations before? That sounds like a good way to go.
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