I have been working on my Victory Quilt by Eleanor Burns, with fabrics designed for this project. I am not replicating the quilt exactly as pictured for many reasons. I don't have enough of all of the fabrics pictured. And I like to do my own thing with my favorite fabrics.
I purchased the fat quarter bundle and it was the last in the shop last summer. Recently when I went back to the shop in East Jordan, the Victory Garden line had a few bolts on sale. I bought up the red for a border. I thought maybe I would use it for sashing...
After looking at this photo the answer is no!! White sashing with this red as a final border and cornerstones. Well, that is the plan so far.
Yesterday was a nice day with friends and family for Super Bowl Sunday. We broke the diet a bit with chocolate pie, chips, dips and chili. Back on the "eating plan" today with exercise.
My son had photos with his wrestling team to make a memory book for his coach. One of the team's relative is a beautician and cut and HIGHLIGHTED the hair of every one on the team. Needless to say my DD saw that on facebook and called. We wouldn't let her get highlights in high school. Let's see, his were $5 for materials and a team tradition ( I am so thankful that they quit bleaching all of their hair blonde like they did a few years ago!!). Her idea was $50 (we were broke at the time), and BLUE or PINK highlights. She is married and in college now. She laughed and was ok with it really.

very cute.
amazing how a photo will change your mind about a quilt and color placement-it works for me so much better than just standing looking at my wall.
good job on your quilt
I didn't realize you are a fellow Michigander.
E.B. has inspired me with many of her quilts. Your Victory Garden quilt is looking great so far.
I agree with your decision for white sashing. The red is too strong, and takes away from the focus on the blocks.
How about a pieced sashing with white on each side of the red print? I
a res/white borders, that is a great idea!!
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