I sewed two 6 inch blocks out of Civil war repro fabrics over the past 2 weeks. I Sewed a half of a dozed block exchange blocks that are 10 inches. Hmmm, I don't think I used a yard. But I didn't buy any either.
Tote is still full plus about a quarter of another tote full.
Contrasts. That is today and most Sundays for me. I have to decide: Will I go to Church and Sunday School or just Church? Will finish cleaning up or not? The contrast of being very happy I have the day off plus knowing it is the last one of the weekend and feeling bittersweet about it. The contrast of wanting to use up fabric for the stash report or hang on to it because it is so pretty and cutting it is too hard.
Good news, DH passed his stone yesterday. Maybe my worrying about it can stop now. DS is still coughing after 2 antibiotics, anti-imflammatories and inhalers but is improving. It has been an emotional 2 weeks. Plus, not getting the long arm up and running like I wanted to. We did figure out how to wind a bobbin. Lessons and tune up is on Tues.
I want to get this house straightened up including the closets. I started in the kitchen yesterday. I will try to sort a little daily and get the ball rolling.

"Hmmm, I don't think I used a yard. But I didn't buy any either. "
That is the key....don't buy any. Just keep plugging away. Things will improve.
I agree, a *no buy* week is a good thing! keep at making the blocks and the finishes will happen :)
Hope *all* gets better in your neck of blogland :) are you close to Grayling?!
You've been having a busy time - glad hubby is getting better. And, I am sure the longarm process will be better soon.
Pat - Gaylord is just up the road from Grayling on I-75. If you could see my hand, Grayling is at about the middle knuckle and Gaylord is just above it. Michiganders are the only people who can describe geography via their hands. ;-)
Glad to hear about the stone!!!
Love your block!! Now after Tuesday you are going to feeling so less stressed - once DS gets over this cold - or what ever this thing is!!!! You will be rockin'!!!!
Yes Gaylord is just north of Grayling about 28 miles. It is cough and cold season so asthma flares up for DS plus we just finsihed a long wrestling season which wears me out and I'm a spectator!! March bring more sun, warmth and easier travel. I must have what we call cabin fever today!!
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