I have been long arm quilting several projects recently. Above is a quilt for my niece's new baby. She was born a bit prematurely. My niece has juvenile diabetes. So far, everyone is doing well. I was expecting the baby a little early but not at 33 weeks! Hopefully in a week the baby will be strong enough to go home from the hospital. Keep them in your prayers!
A nice relaxing view from the Irish Festival in Muskegon. We went one week ago. I loved it. The music is what I listen to on Pandora, it is what I play on my violin and it is what I enjoy the most. They had it all- Celtic Rock to folk music. I want to go again. Next, weekend is the last Highland Games for the season.

I like the swirly leaf design on the quilting!
nothing like listening to your fave music live! Hope all is well with the new baby and mom.
Very cute baby quilt. Hope everyone continues to do well.
Adorable quilt, prayers for the new family.
The baby quilt is sure to be treasured. My son was born at 33 weeks too - he's 22 now. Spent only 10 days in NICU. I'll keep your family in my thoughts as I remember how scared I was when he came early.
Very cute, love the panels!
Prayers and blessings to the baby and what a nice quilt!
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