Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

This picture challenge took a bit more thought on my part. I thought about many people both celebrity and ordinary. I decided that Pat Sloan was the person I would love to trade places with for one day. She is a quilter. She also does crochet.
She designs patterns, has her own fabric lines and sells book. She does public speaking, quilt work shops and blogs about all of this. She uses social media including face book, twitter, pinterest and Internet radio. Her web site is Check it out, you will be happy you did.
She recently started doing an Internet radio show called Creative Talk Radio and she interviews quilters. She became quite successful with this and a national quilt magazine now sponsors the show! She gets to interview everyone in the quilting world who is "big" and we get to know them better as fans. She does this all with a sense of fun and balance. No harsh words, only encouragement and finding creativity.
I would like to trade for a day to see the inner working of her business, to feel how much energy she has and to see how she keeps the creative process moving forward. She does all the things I would love to do, including interviewing people. I think Pat is quite talented and I would love to trade places with her for a day. Plus she does other creative media with yarn, another one of my areas of interest.
Thanks Pat for all you do. I hope to be able to see you in person and attend a workshop in the future. I need to support you and buy a book. I love the recent fabric line "Eat your Vegetables" and wish I had the money to buy it today! Until then I will have to update my ipod and listen to you next radio show!!

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