I finished a star block from the BOM. I have six more to make! I also finished a question mark block in the Super Mario Bros. quilt along. I did not have a finish with the Long arm on a customer quilt. The backing is a bit short and I will have to unload it off the frame, add some fabric and reload. Sigh, I measured and knew it was gonna be close but... Oh well. I really like the feathers on it. Hopefully pics for next week!
Lots of changes with September rolling in. School has started. Our son is working more .We have two more Highland Games. I have developed migraine headaches and residual neck and back pain. I have been trying to figure out if there is anything that triggers them like food. I am also not lifting weights thinking it may help. I am doing cardio. I am also doing neck and shoulder stretches.
Any suggestions about the migraines?

Love the star block. And, hum, the question mark is fun. Don't suffer from migraine so not a lot of help. Although I think I've heard that chocolate might trigger them. Take care of yourself!
Very pretty star block! About those migraines... my doctor told me they really don't know for certain what triggers them. Could be stress, weather, food, drink, environmental, anything else you can think of. No perfect accurate cause. Sorry.
I'm so anxious to see that star quilt all together. Are you done yet :) Just kidding of course
There are certain foods that can certainly trigger migraines so watch that: wheat, wine, ages cheeses and chocolate for example. Mine are triggered by a flash of light like when the sun glints off a mirror. Also, stress can do it but for me, it's AFTER the stressful event (like when the in-laws visit--LOL!) Hope you gat a handle on them!
The ? is a fun block! The batik star is a stunner, though! Love it! Migraines...I'm really sorry you're having to deal with that. It's not fun. Caffeine is often a trigger, as is chocolate -- but also weather and stress can be factors. Keep a journal and note everything that you've eaten, done, and the weather whenever you get one -- hopefully you'll see a pattern begin to emerge before too much time passes. :)
Just out of curiosity, do you know you have word verification turned on? :)
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