The raggy thingy is coming along. I am not sure yet if it will be destined for bathroom greatness or guest room living. The final weight will be the determining factor if it can be a shower curtain. Bathroom greatness, ha ha, that sounds just wrong doesn't it. But it is the PERFECT colors for the bathroom.
I have committed to three swaps this fall. I need to stop. I am a swap/exchange addict. I love getting the mailed ones. I love block exchanges in person. In short, I haven't met an exchange I don't like as long as a) everyone follows through and b) the rules are clear.
I don't know why but there is something fun about making things for others and seeing what they did for you -- that is so craftily satisfying. Maybe it is because no one else but a fellow crafter understands the work, the fun and the art of it all.
How many of you like swaps? There are millions out there. Join a group and jump in...word from experience, don't over do it on the joining because there are deadlines. Not guidelines but real deadlines with real people who you made a promise to.

We moved into this house with a fridge that in it, and the kids and hubby loved it!! I liked it too, but I found the fridge to small... I got it replaced with a full fridge, which I love - and hubby went and finally bought himself an ice machine - that he takes with him in the camper!! In the middle of boonies, he can make ice in 8 minutes!!!
But yes, having that feature right in the door is a great thing to have and it's surprising isn't it!!
Just like I thought have a DVD player in a vehicle is the stupides thing...... when hubby did have that in his truck, the kids seemed to really like it.... I am still not a fan, but traveling 12 hrs, yes, it could have a some merit!!
Have a super fantastic weekend and drink lots of water!! ;-)
Don't stop on the swaps!! :o))
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