I thought I had enough yo yo's made for a table runner. Nope, in that gallon bag is enough for a larger square. I have 8 square units made and will join them once I have one more unit made for a 3x3. Then I am putting a border on it of white and pink coordinating fabrics. More yo yo's needed for that, of course. I like the yo yo project, I think this will be a table runner or "candle" mat sized.
I have 2 more days of work then a vacation. My DD is visiting so I am going to enjoy time off. I want to do some fun activities. A little sewing and very little cleaning.
this is quite the collection of yo-yo's!!
Vacation, daughter and very little cleaning.... hmmm, you are going to have a great vacation time!!
Make the very best of it - I hope you have a fantastic week!
It's going to be really lovely! What an array of yo yos.
The yo-yo's are so pretty!
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