Progress on my Aunt's quilt |
attempt one at a variation block not loving it -from scraps |
Currently, I have been working on a variation of a tree quilt I am making for my Aunt. I haven't achieved success but I am getting closer to a block pattern that is use able. I don't know about you but I won't do a block that EQ works out to be 4 3/8 of an inch or 2 1/8... I trying to find more realistic measurement that make a block that is square!!
I have a quilt of my own on the long arm frame and it will be done this week, feels good to have a "no pressure" quilt of my own design. I have several more to quilt during the post holiday slow down in the long arm business. The bad news means more binding to do, I still do them by hand because I like the results best. Do they have any finger yoga out there? I better get those joints loosened up and ready to go.

I can't wait to see the beard hat.
Also, i like that variation block. I like the textures/patterns in it.
The blocks are great and yes I'm with you, a block that has any sort of an 1/8 in the finish is not for me.
the tree block is great in the solids. I would agree about blocks using 3/8 and 1/8 but for me figuring out the adjustments would probably make my brain hurt ;)
enjoy your quilting time.
I do hand binding too mostly. Occasionally by machine if it's small and not an heirloom..haha
I really like the trees out of solids. But I'm with you, 1/8" measurements are a pain!
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